[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, Book Title: Subtitle. Xnd ed., City of Publisher, Country: Publisher, Year of publication.
* Edition information should be included starting from the second edition.
** Volume information is given if the publication has more than one volume.
***If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
****Note that talking books or DAISY books is only indicated by the publisher. No other information is needed.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of Book: Subtitle, xth ed., Editor's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, Ed. City of Publisher, Country: Publisher, Year, ch. #, pp. #-#.
* Edition information should be included starting from the second edition
* Volume information is given if the publication has more than one volume.
* If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, Book Title: Subtitle. Xnd ed., City of Publisher, Country: Publisher, Year of publication. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: Date.
* Edition information should be included starting from the second edition
** Volume information is given if the publication has more than one volume.
*** If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of Book: Subtitle, Xth ed., Editor's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, Ed. City of Publisher, Country: Publisher, Year, ch. #, pp. #-#. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: Date.
* Edition information should be included starting from the second edition
* Volume information is given if the publication has more than one volume.
* If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, "Title of article," in Title of Proceedings, Place (where conference took place), Country, Year (when conference took place), pp. #-#. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: Date.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, ”Title of article," in Title of Proceedings, Place (where conference took place), Country, Year (when conference took place), pp. #-#.
[#] Editor's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, Ed/s. Title of Proceedings, Year (when conference took place). [Format]. Available: URL
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, "Title: Subtitle," Ph.D. dissertation/Lic./BSc/MSc thesis, Department, University, City of Publisher, Country, Year. [Type of Medium]. Available: URL
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, "Title: Subtitle," Ph.D. dissertation/Lic./BSc/MSc thesis, Department, University, City of Publisher, Country, Year.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, "Title of article," Title of Newspaper, Month Abbreviation, Day, Year, pp. #-#. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: Date.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, "Title of article," Title of Newspaper, Month Abbreviation, Day, Year, pp. #-#.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, “Title of article,” Title of Periodical, vol. #, no. #, pp. #-#, Abbreviated Month, year. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: date.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, “Title of article,” Title of Periodical, vol. #, no. #, pp. #-#, Abbreviated Month, year.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, “Title of report,” Name of Organization, City of Organization, Country, Report number, Volume, Year. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: Date.
[#] Author's First Name Initial/s. Last Name, “Title of report,” Name of Organization, City of Organization, Country, Report number, Volume, Year.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, “Title of article,” Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. #-#, Abbreviated Month. Year, doi:10.1109.XXXX.123456.
* If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name et al., “Title of article,” Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. #-#, Abbreviated Month. Year, doi:10.1109.XXXX.123456.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, “Title of article,” Title of Journal, vol. x, p. Article Number, Abbreviated Month. Year, doi:10.1109.XXXX.123456.
* If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.
[#] Author's First Name Initials. Last Name, “Title of article,” Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. #-#, Abbreviated Month. Year.
* If six or more names are given, use only the last name of the name of the first author followed by et al.