At Chalmers University of Technology, the main referencing styles used for in-text citations are APA, IEEE, and Vancouver. However, the university has its own guidelines for the formatting of figures and figure captions, which can be combined with any referencing system.
In the caption include:
- Numbering
- Heading/title
- Source
- Copyright aspect
The examples below, developed in collaboration with the Chalmers Writing Center, represent the most common form of figure handling. We recommend that students follow this structure, but the most important thing is to be consistent.
For further information on copyright, Creative Commons, applying for permission, and a selection of image databases, you will find more details further down on the page.
All figures (pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc.) must have a caption placed under the figure. Place the in-text citation for the original source after the caption for every table or figure that is not your own. See the example below.
Figure 1. Leeloo on the ice. (Sörberg, 2023). CC-BY-NC
In the reference list:
Sörberg, E. (2023). Leeloo på isen [Photograph]. Flickr.
All figures (pictures, graphs, etc.) must have a caption placed under the figure. Place the in-text citation for the original source after the caption for every table or figure that is not your own. See the example below.
Figure 4. Infornation Needs of Farmers in Western Sweden. (Soylu et al., 2016). Reprinted with permission.
In the reference list:
Soylu, D., Cevher, N., Schirone, M., & Medeni. T. (2016). A comparative study of information-seeking behavior and digital information need of farmers in Turkey. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 8(2).
All figures (pictures, graphs, etc.) must have a caption placed under the figure. Place the in-text citation for the original source after the caption for every table or figure that is not your own. See the example below.
Figure. 3. Number of downloads at Chalmers library. (Herbertsson & Chalmers Library, 2012). Adapted with permission.
In the reference list:
Herbertsson, L.H., & Chalmers Library. (2012). Number of downloads at Chalmers library, [graph]. Unpublished.
All figures (pictures, graphs, etc.) must have a caption placed under the figure. See the example below.
Figure 1. Kitty the cat in a blue scarf.
In the reference list:
Your own figures or pictures that don't require attribution should not be included in the reference list.
AI images are not and cannot be protected by copyright law and are therefore considered public domain. Since AI-generated images cannot be replicated, a full reference isn't needed, but due to transparency it still needs to be included in the figure captions that the image is generated by an AI, with the prompt included.
Figur 1. A cat is studying in the library. (Created with Copilot with the prompt "a librarian cat", 2025)
All tables must have a caption placed above the table. Place the in-text citation for the original source or data after the caption for every table that is not your own. See the example below.
Table 1. Mendeley user status aggregated into sector and user types undefined
* For Students (Bachelor), students (Master), and students (Postgraduate)
** For researcher at non-academic institution
*** For lecturers and senior lecturers
See below links for APA stylistic guidelines for handling images, tables, and illustrations.
Most illustrations are protected by copyright. When you reproduce a table or figure for your work you must obtain permission from the copyright holder. If you use a Creative Commons licensed image, cite according to CC citation rules. The license should be included in the corresponding figure note. If you do not reproduce the image, but you want to refer to it in your text, you should cite the original document according to APA rules.
Below you will find a template that you may use when you ask for permission. We recommend to send the request as a formal e-mail from your Chalmers account. Remember to include how and where your work is going to be published.