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Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a licensing system that makes it possible to share copyrighted works. This is done by the creator choosing a license that governs how a piece of work may be distributed and used. For you as a user, it is possible to use a work with a Creative Commons license without asking the copyright holder for permission.

There are four TERMS that create six LICENSES that the copyright owner can choose from. See more under the respective tabs

Don't forget to credit Creative Commons licensed works and include the following:

  • The creator
  • The title (if any)
  • Link to the work (if online)
  • State which license the work has and link to the license

More about Creative Commons.




User rights

by   Attribution   You have to give attribution to the creator, through citations.
nc  Non commercial   The work can only be used outside of commercial spaces, and not for commercial purposes.
nd  No derivative works   You cannot adapt or modify the work, you cannot publish derivatives of the original.
sa     Share alike  

You may modify, adapt and further develop the work. NOTE that the derivative work must be published with the same license.

Creative Commons-licens CC BY The creator allows others to use, distribute, remake, modify, and build upon the work. The work can be used in commercial contexts. The user must attribute the author when the work is used in all forms described above.

image CC BY-SA The creator allows others to use, distribute, remake, modify, create new work as long as the author is attributed. If new works are created, they must also be distributed under the same license.

image  CC BY-ND  The creator allows the work to be distributed both commercially and non-commercially, but not to make any derivatives.

image  CC BY-NC The creator allows the work to be distributed, remade, modified or rebuilt, but the work may not be used commercially.

image  CC BY-NC-SA The creator allows the work to use, distribute, remake, modify, and create new works, but in a commercial context. If a new work is created, it must have the same license and the author must be attributed.

image  CC BY-NC-ND The creator only allows distribution of the work in non-commercial contexts, no derivatives, with attribution.

  CC0 The creator puts the work into the public domain immediately after creation.