In order to raise the academic level of your work, it is important that you refer to the sources you use in your text. By keeping track of which sources you used in your work, you reduce the risk of plagiarism. You also show that you have read up on the subject and you help the reader to find the sources and to keep apart your conclusions and the claims of others. And last but not least, you acknowledge the authors behind the works you used and join a tradition of academic honesty at Chalmers.
In the library's reference guides you will find information on different reference styles, including APA and IEEE. Ask your supervisors or teachers if you are unsure which style to use - the most important thing is to be consistent.
If you need more help regarding the writing process itself, you can contact Chalmers Writing Center or check out the Chalmers Writing Guide.
When you write academic texts, the idea is that you should take part in other people's work and that these should form the basis of your own texts. You must refer to others but all the text you write must be your own, otherwise you may be accused of plagiarism.
What counts as plagiarism?
There are a number of different systems for detecting plagiarism. Chalmers uses Ouriginal (formerly Urkund).
The library has many books that deal with planning, implementing and writing a report or essay. Visit the library and check what is on the method shelf or search via the Search bar and limit to E-books or printed books. Use keywords such as "research methodology", "scientific writing", "qualitative research", "qualitative research", "thesis writing", etc.
You can also consult Sage Research Methods online, which is a website where you can plan your research design and get inspiration for methods to use.
Contact the library if you need help!