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Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology

Searching for books and e-books

Search for books and e-books in the Search box on the library´s start page, refine on the left to E-books & Printed books.

Search for printed books in the Swedish national catalogue LIBRIS.



When the library does not hold a book

you can always request it as an interlibrary loan, or suggest its purchase.

Journals at Chalmers Library

Find journal titles via the Main Search Box. Choose filter (left in the Search Box), E-journals, and write the title, or part of it.

You find all e-journals through the E-Journals. Search for title, or part of the title, or on ISSN. You can also browse titles by discipline.

Is the Journal Peer-Reviewed?

Search for journals on Ulrichweb and find out if they are peer-reviewed. The symbol    indicates refereed publications.