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Reference Management Software

About Mendeley

Mendeley is a free reference software which includes both a desktop and web-based platform. With Mendeley, you can easily collect, organize and insert references into a word document. Mendeley is also an online social network for researchers.

You can create a free account with 2 GB storage at

At you can also upgrade your account and increase your personal library storage.

Mendeley and LaTex

If you write your text using LaTeX, you can still use Mendeley. In Overleaf you can upload and add file directly from Mendeley.  Or in Mendeley desktop, choose BibTeX export (* .bib) as Files of type under File ► Export.

Mendeley and Word online

You can now collaborate with you peers and use Mendeley in Word online. Just install the add-in Mendeley Cite.

Under Insert  ► Add-ins


Getting started with Mendeley

Introduktion till Mendeley 3/3 2021 (In Swedish)